Título |
Utilising the ESAWADI-Ecosystem Services Approach for Water Framework Directive Implementation |
Objectivo |
Breve resumo |
The Ecosystem Services Approach has received a lot of attention over the last years for instance through the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Programme under UNO or The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative of the European Commission (through the European Environment Agency) and Germany. At the same time, the WFD economic requirements are a considerable challenge for the water administrations, both in terms of data and methodologies. Up to now, there has been no assessment of how ESA can contribute to this challenge.
This project will work on linking the economic elements and requirements of the WFD and the current “state-of-the-art” regarding the valuation of ecosystem services. Through this project, the methodological linkages between the two concepts (ESA and WFD-economics) will be investigated. Our main academic innovation will not be to further develop ecosystem services valuation methodologies but to assess the potential “added value” of ESA methodology in the WFD decision-making process.
The contributions of the ESA approach will be assessed in three ways: 1. for the characterization of ecosystem services and “ecological status” of water bodies; 2. for non-monetary valuation of ecosystem services and 3. for improving stakeholder participation and understanding of the WFD implementation. |
Data início |
0000-00-00 |
Data de fim |
0000-00-00 |
Local |
Número de participantes |
Impacto local |
Impacto regional |
Impacto nacional |
Observações |
Coordenador de projeto |
Pelo Iscte- Catarina Roseta Palma |
Instituições |
Resultados |
Links associados ao registo:Descrição | Link | |  |
Ficheiros associados ao registo: | |
Entidade |
BRU-IUL: Business Research Unit