European Union hospitals(QUASER): Quality and Safety in European Union Hospitals - A Research-based Guide for Implementing Best Practice and a Framework for Assessing Performance
This study explores the relationships between the organizational and cultural characteristics of hospitals, and how these impact upon clinical effectiveness, patient safety and patient experience in European Union countries.
Breve resumo
The BRU-ISCTE/IUL team conducted case studies in two Portuguese hospitals and gathered qualitative and quantitative data to identify organization indicators linked to hospital quality and safety as part of a pan-European joint effort to identify organizational and cultural characteristics linked to the clinical effectiveness, patient safety and patient experience of hospital care. In addition to the hospital level meso-type of analysis, the team explored two micro-case studies on how users actually use and perceive existing tools.
Whilst there is a good understanding of the types of quality improvement undertaken in healthcare, less is known of the organizational and cultural processes that determine the effectiveness of these methods. By examining the relationship between these processes and quality from macro (national healthcare system) down through the meso (hospital) to micro (frontline clinical team) levels in each of the five partner countries, the study unveils the impact on sustained quality of hospital care.
Data was collected in 10 hospitals in the five partner countries and additional studies of two clinical microsystems were carried out in 5 hospitals.
Data início
Data de fim
Número de participantes
Impacto local
Enhancing the knowledge economy - new knowledge and scientific advancement; Worldwide academic advancement to address issues of importance in other countries and globally; The development and utilization of cross-disciplinary approaches;
Impacto regional
Impacto nacional
Economics and Societal Impact:
Enhancing cultural enrichment, quality of life, health and well-being;
Shaping and enhancing the effectiveness of public services;
Transforming evidence based policy in practice and influencing and informing practitioners and professional practice;
Changing organizational culture and practices;
Enhancing the efficiency, performance and sustainability of hospital services.
Delivery of effective products to hospital leaders and payers (e.g. evidence-based Quality and Safety Guide for Hospitals, Framework for Assessing Hospital Quality).
Coordenador de projeto
Francisco Nunes
Links associados ao registo: Descrição Link
Ficheiros associados ao registo:
BRU-IUL: Business Research Unit