New European industrial relations (NEIRE): Expectations of employers on employee representatives’ roles, attitudes, and competencies to act as partners in social innovation
The overall aim of the project is to improve the quality of social dialogue as tool for innovation, by exploring European employers experiences and expectations on structures, roles,attitudes and competencies of worker representatives.
Breve resumo
The project signals the relevance of social dialogue in na appreciative way, by surveying several hundreds of CEO/COO and hr directors on experiences with social dialogue, and the perceptions and expectations they have for employee representatives to contribute constructively in this dialogue.
Data início
Data de fim
Número de participantes
Impacto local
The project results in different forms of accesible information, both at national level, as well as European level, on the experiences and expectations of employers, in combinations with the views of employee representatives, offering a unique and enriching dual perspective on this issue.
Impacto regional
The project directly impacts the practice of social dialogue in 11 european member states, through interviewing CEO/COO and hr directors on their experiences and expectations for a constructive social dialogue.
The project fosters debate at national levels in 11 european member states on the structuring of social dialogue, and development of competencies (attitudes as well as knowledge and skills) of the employee representatives.
Impacto nacional
The project offers a unique overview of experiences and expectations of employers in structuring and competencies of the employee representatives, seeking both commonalities and differences between a representative sample of EC member states. This overview offers a basis for data driven dialogue at both European, national and organizational levels among social partners.
Coordenador de projeto
Ana Passos
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BRU-IUL: Business Research Unit