Título |
European Solidarity in Action (EUSOLA) |
Objectivo |
Breve resumo |
12 secondary schools of 12 different countries have developed the COMENIUS project EUSOLA, in 2011-2013. Each school prepared its own project on the topic “Help outside of the EU”. The project of the Colégio Guadalupe of Portugal, “Assistance of the vocational and competence center CE.DO in Njambasana/Angola” was the winning one and all participating schools started to work on it. The CEA of the ISCTE-IUL participated in this project as a partner, making the linkages between the European schools and the CE.DO in Angola. Also, the CEA organized in January 2013 at the ISCTE-IUL a meeting with teachers and students from these schools, with videoconference with the Angolan team. CEA also facilitated the dispatch of donations and of materials produced by the European students (solar generators, greenhouses, etc.) to the Namibe desert where the Njambasana school is located. |
Data início |
2011-02-01 |
Data de fim |
2013-01-31 |
Local |
Europe (coordinated by Portugal) and Angola |
Número de participantes |
Impacto local |
Impacto regional |
cooperação inter-escolas europeias e com centros de investigação universitários |
Impacto nacional |
liderança portuguesa de projecto europeu Comenius |
Observações |
Coordenador de projeto |
João Alves |
Instituições |
Resultados |
Links associados ao registo: Ficheiros associados ao registo: | |
Entidade |
CEA-IUL: Centro de Estudos Africanos